Ranger Review: San Juan Island, WA Edition, Part 2

As I mentioned before, we explored most of San Juan Island...despite cool weather, gray skies, and rain. 

Late one afternoon, we made our way to the far end of the island to find the Roche Harbor Resort.  Think Dirty Dancing...you know where Baby stayed with her parents?  Roche Harbor is the San Juan Islands version...well, without the hot dance hall. 

Too bad we didn't find Roche Harbor earlier...or look into staying there.  It was a bit of a ghost town (off-season again!), but such a beautiful place.  It's the former site of what was the largest limestone processing operation west of the Mississippi.  In the late 1800's, the harbor was a booming company town, complete with a hotel and general store.  Families were housed in cottages that dot the resort today...they've been restored and you can stay in them.  It is a truly beautiful place...we'd love to go back and stay there!

Lime Kiln...

The Harbor...

Historic Hotel De Haro...

Company Store...

Halfway down the dock, we came upon this tiny US Customs building.  We were curious about what they did there, so we started looking around...

And we met Officer Jim.  Yes, you want to click on it...and learn all about him...and listen to a speical song written about him (if you're over 18).  Seriously, you'll be glad you did.  He's a very nice , professional man, who told us about this busy little harbor and how US Customs protects the boats coming in and makes sure their passengers aren't bringing in anything illegal from Canada. 

Officer Jim offered to take our picture.  Yes, he's that nice.  Excuse my hair...sometimes I think my bald companion is pretty lucky...

Did you notice that coffee cup?  Chris nursed it all the way to Roche Harbor.  When I say, "all the way", it's relative.  San Juan Island isn't big. But, that coffee cup was an important part of our stay in the island.  See, he had discovered Friday Harbor Espresso.  He decided that they made the "best mocha in the entire world"...at least until we went to Seattle.  The mochas were good, it's true.  And we even enjoyed a croissant sandwich there one afternoon.  That would be after the honeymoon-ending camera crisis was resloved. 

It was time to eat again and drink another mocha.  They're good for the soul...

We woke the next morning and it was time to go.  So we headed to the ferry to start our journey to Seattle for the rest of our trip.

Then we saw the captain...and wanted to stay a little longer so we could have a ride in his van...

But, the ferry was ready to go...

We enjoyed blue skies and awesome views of the islands...

We decided we wanted to move here...

Then the pesky gray skies came back...

But we didn't care, we arrived in Anacortes and were on our way to Seattle...


Amy said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! And I've noticed that you guys have been dressing in the same color scheme each day of your honeymoon! ADORABLE! Keep those posts comin'! I love reading about you two! :)